-SymbianOS SDK for MAC OSX
What is all this about?
It is about running a SymbianOS SDK on a big endian mashine, especially Mac OSX. This document is based on gnupoc_ppc.txt from Alfred E. Heggestad. Page last updated Saturday, 22 January 2005
Making SymbianOS SDK run on Mac OSX ...
Generic Steps 1) zipping up a installed SymbianOS SDK (epoc32 directory) and unzipping it on mac mashine 2) fix file names, window CRs & include files (e.g with 3) build gcc, petran, makesis, bmconv & rcomp for mac osx (rcomp has still to be fixed) 4) install sdk2unix or gnupoc patch of the SymbianOS perl build scripts (still some porting to be done) 5) connectivity: use existing apple connectivity solution to transfer files 6) build helloworld SIS file and compare with the win32 binary :-) (short term) tasks needed: 1) making rcomp pass regtest plus compile under gcc3 2) verifying gcc & produce working patch (at the moment there are only notes) 3) having a look at the gnupoc patch of the SymbianOS perl build scripts 4) having a look at the sdk2unix patch of the SymbianOS perl build scripts (long term) tasks needed: 1) create 'working' installation script 2) create debian packages, that can be installed via 'fink install' onto a mac 3) Using of Simon Woodside's SDK unpacker on QEMU (Darwine) 4) porting more connectivity programs: p3nfs, QConsole (nearly there), gnubox (on mac osx side);action=display;threadid=7
tools The long term goal would be to build debian packages, which could be installed easily via 'fink install'. At the moment the source code of the tools (from below) had to be downloaded and build for the host. e.g. for bmconv: andres-Computer:~/sos andre$ cd bmconv-1.1.0-2 andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2 andre$ make andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2 andre$ sudo make regtest andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2 andre$ sudo make install andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2 andre$ make tarball tool regtest gcc --------------------- makesis yes 3 bmconv yes 3 petran yes 3 rcomp fails 2 Big Thanks to Kita B. Ndara for porting makesis and petran to big endian !!! (kitandara at yahoo dot co dot uk) rcomp still fails the regtest. More work needs to be done here. makesis for mac osx version 2.0.0 (16. Jan 2005) notes makesis bmconv for mac osx version 1.1.0 (16. Jan 2005) notes bmconv petran for mac osx version 1.0.0 (16. Jan 2005) notes petran rcomp for mac osx version 7.0.1 (16. Jan 2005) notes rcomp gcc The gcc cross compiler needs to be patched for big endian mashines and the mac osx target gcc-539-2aeh-source - Satus: works - Notes: needs patch instead of installation notes notes for patching gcc 539 to big endian on mac osx host gcc-3.0-psion-98r2-9-src - Status: works - Notes: needs patch instead of installation notes notes for installing gcc-3.0-psion-98r2-9-src on mac osx host gcc 3.4.3 - Status: configure works - make fails: arm-epoc-pe-ar command not found notes for installing gcc 3.4.3 on mac osx host
Here are some rough notes ...
The notes are very rough and should be on webdav for everyone to edit, but just for a start ... 1) unpacking the SDK - either: running wine (qemu) and win32 uninstaller (see Simon's notes at gnupoc mailing list:) ?? - or: unpacking on win32, then zipping & transferring to mac - optional: getting sponsor for ftp space and bandwidth for zipped sdk 2) fixing source (lower casing file names and include files, and win32 to unix CR) 3) compiling the tools for mac osx (gcc, petran, ....) well, the compiled toolchain should be very close then 4) install sdk2unix (existing) Should work for UIQ SDK's and for S60 SDK's < v2.1 Simon mentioned (above link) that there was a big restructuring for the S60 v2.1+ SDK's, which needs adaptations in the perl build patches. To get an idea what is involved, here is as example a gnupoc patch: 5) connectivity: use existing apple connectivity solution to transfer files For Merging 1) howto produce a patch (problem with dependency, i.e. Simon has different environment prerequisite (try one of the following): o mac osx 10.3.7 plus latest mac gcc patch o follow the notes here on the web site o apply the patch provided o having some kind of scripts 2) howto produce a binary installer (open questions): o configure script needed o just zipping up the binaries o making a apple mac packaging module o putting it into opendarwin/fink o where to put it on the ftp site [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/gcc539] andre% cp -r src src-orig [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/gcc539] andre% diff -ruN --exclude config.cache --exclude config.status --exclude Makefile --exclude \*.o --exclude config.h --exclude config.log src-orig src | tee diff539 rcomp notes The work seems to be limited to the file numval.cpp There the ConvertToDouble and ConvertTNatural have to be ported to big endian Only done for the double function so far ... numval.cpp: void NumericValue::ConvertToDouble( const String & Source) { assert( iNumericValueType == L_DOUBLE); assert( Source.Length() > 0); double d = atof( Source.GetBuffer()); if ( d == 0.0 && !( Source == "0.0" || Source == "0") ) { MOFF; cerr << "atof may have failed for " << Source << endl; MON;} + //@todo andreh + unsigned char tmp1[8], tmp2[8]; + memcpy(tmp1, (unsigned char *) &d, 8); + int up = 0; int down = 7; + while(down >=0) + tmp2[up++] = tmp1[down--]; + memcpy((unsigned char *) &d,tmp2, 8); iDoubleValue = d; } void NumericValue::ConvertToNatural( const String & Source) { ... ... still to be ported to big endian ... tsrc directory listing andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ ls -ls total 144 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 94 22 Dec 13:07 Makefile 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 415 22 Dec 13:07 error1.rh 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 3130 22 Dec 13:07 error1.rss 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 1994 22 Dec 13:07 test.cmd 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 2243 22 Dec 13:07 test.htm 8 -rwxrwxrwx 1 andre staff 1902 22 Dec 13:07 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 108 17 Jan 08:18 test1.lis 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 344 22 Dec 13:07 test2.dat 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 3797 22 Dec 13:07 tutext.rss 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 1098 22 Dec 13:07 tutext0.rsg 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 1098 17 Jan 08:18 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 579 22 Dec 13:07 tutext16.rsc 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 579 17 Jan 08:18 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 944 22 Dec 13:07 twtext.rss 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 122 22 Dec 13:07 twtext0.rsg 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 122 17 Jan 08:18 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 68 22 Dec 13:07 twtext16.rsc 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 68 17 Jan 08:18 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff of twtext0.rsg - fails andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff twtext0.rsg andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ cat twtext0.rsg #define WIDE_STRING 0x6455c001 #define LONG_STRING 0x6455c002 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff of twtext16.rsc - fails andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1 andre$ sudo make regtest andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1 andre$ cd tsrc andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ hexdump twtext16.rsc 0000000 6b4a 1f10 0000 0000 5c45 0600 0dd6 711a 0000010 0146 0001 2768 6572 6520 6172 6520 736f 0000020 6d65 2077 6964 6520 6368 6172 6163 7465 0000030 7273 3a0e 20ac 0e07 ed2e 2e2e ac20 1400 0000040 3c00 3e00 0000044 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ hexdump 0000000 6b4a 1f10 0000 0000 5c45 0600 0dd6 711a 0000010 0146 0001 2768 6572 6520 6172 6520 736f 0000020 6d65 2077 6964 6520 6368 6172 6163 7465 0000030 7273 3a0e 20ac 0e07 ed2e 2e2e 20ac 1400 0000040 3c00 3e00 0000044 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff twtext16.rsc Binary files twtext16.rsc and differ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff of tutext0.rsg - OK! andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff tutext0.rsg andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ cat tutext0.rsg #define LIST_1 0x63faa001 #define BEGIN_EXCEPT 0x63faa002 #define END_EXCEPT 0x63faa003 #define SPECIAL_STRING 0x63faa004 #define UNBROKEN_STRING 0x63faa005 #define BROKEN_STRING 0x63faa006 #define SYS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS 0x63faa007 #define SYS_STRING 0x63faa008 #define SYS_DIMMED_MSG 0x63faa009 #define SYS_LOCKED_MSG 0x63faa00a #define SYS_BUSY 0x63faa00b #define SYS_SCANNING 0x63faa00c #define SYS_PRINTING_TO 0x63faa00d #define SYS_PAGE_IS 0x63faa00e #define SYS_ARRAY_ONE 0x63faa00f #define SYS_BUTTON_ONE 0x63faa010 #define SYS_FLPTED_ONE 0x63faa011 #define SYS_MENUBAR_ONE 0x63faa012 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff of tutext16.rsc - fails andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ diff tutext16.rsc Binary files tutext16.rsc and differ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ hexdump tutext16.rsc 0000000 6b4a 1f10 0000 0000 aa3f 0600 6a6f e3fd 0000010 017a 00ff ff02 0007 0500 1e00 0200 0606 0000020 6974 656d 2031 0106 0669 7465 6d20 3238 0000030 7469 6c64 6520 2d7e 2d20 4445 4c45 5445 0000040 202d 7f2d 2045 7572 6f20 7369 676e 202d 0000050 0e20 ac2d 204e 4f54 2055 5345 4420 2831 0000060 2920 2d0e fffe 2d2e 3359 2077 6974 6820 0000070 6469 6165 7265 7369 7320 2d0e 0178 2d20 0000080 4e42 5350 202d a02d 2049 6e76 6572 7465 0000090 6420 6578 636c 6d20 2da1 2d2e 2174 6869 00000a0 7320 2d0e 2026 2d20 6973 2068 6f72 697a 00000b0 6f6e 7461 6c20 656c 6c69 7073 6973 1766 00000c0 6972 7374 2070 6172 742c 2073 6563 6f6e 00000d0 6420 7061 7274 1e66 6972 7374 2070 6172 00000e0 742c 2a40 0e20 ac01 1f20 7365 636f 6e64 00000f0 2070 6172 740e 2b2d 2a2f 3c2c 3e2e 011f 0000100 4e53 5745 0225 731a 5468 6973 2069 7465 0000110 6d20 6973 206e 6f74 2061 7661 696c 6162 0000120 6c65 1b54 6869 7320 6974 656d 2063 616e 0000130 6e6f 7420 6265 2063 6861 6e67 6564 0442 0000140 7573 7908 5363 616e 6e69 6e67 0e50 7269 0000150 6e74 696e 6720 746f 2025 7309 2870 6167 0000160 6520 2575 2900 0305 0003 0345 7363 0105 0000170 0545 6e74 6572 0103 0354 6162 0103 0344 0000180 656c 0105 0553 7061 6365 0005 0300 0500 0000190 0404 5465 7874 0200 1212 4269 746d 6170 00001a0 2070 6c61 6365 686f 6c64 6572 1200 0000 00001b0 0000 0000 0000 e550 2a0e dc1a b254 000f 00001c0 0800 0100 0000 01ab 6100 0200 0000 0202 00001d0 6162 0503 0000 0003 0361 6263 0504 0000 00001e0 0004 0461 6263 6405 0500 0000 0505 6162 00001f0 6364 6505 0600 0000 0606 6162 6364 6566 0000200 0507 0000 0007 0761 6263 6465 6667 0508 0000210 0000 0008 0861 6263 6465 6667 6816 002f 0000220 0068 009c 00be 00d6 00f5 0004 0107 0122 0000230 013e 0143 014c 015b 0165 018a 01ac 01be 0000240 011d 0200 0000243 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ hexdump 0000000 6b4a 1f10 0000 0000 aa3f 0600 6a6f e3fd 0000010 017a 00ff ff02 0007 0500 1e00 0200 0606 0000020 6974 656d 2031 0106 0669 7465 6d20 3238 0000030 7469 6c64 6520 2d7e 2d20 4445 4c45 5445 0000040 202d 7f2d 2045 7572 6f20 7369 676e 202d 0000050 0e20 ac2d 204e 4f54 2055 5345 4420 2831 0000060 2920 2d0e fffe 2d2e 3359 2077 6974 6820 0000070 6469 6165 7265 7369 7320 2d0e 0178 2d20 0000080 4e42 5350 202d a02d 2049 6e76 6572 7465 0000090 6420 6578 636c 6d20 2da1 2d2e 2174 6869 00000a0 7320 2d0e 2026 2d20 6973 2068 6f72 697a 00000b0 6f6e 7461 6c20 656c 6c69 7073 6973 1766 00000c0 6972 7374 2070 6172 742c 2073 6563 6f6e 00000d0 6420 7061 7274 1e66 6972 7374 2070 6172 00000e0 742c 2a40 0e20 ac01 1f20 7365 636f 6e64 00000f0 2070 6172 740e 2b2d 2a2f 3c2c 3e2e 011f 0000100 4e53 5745 0225 731a 5468 6973 2069 7465 0000110 6d20 6973 206e 6f74 2061 7661 696c 6162 0000120 6c65 1b54 6869 7320 6974 656d 2063 616e 0000130 6e6f 7420 6265 2063 6861 6e67 6564 0442 0000140 7573 7908 5363 616e 6e69 6e67 0e50 7269 0000150 6e74 696e 6720 746f 2025 7309 2870 6167 0000160 6520 2575 2900 0305 0003 0345 7363 0105 0000170 0545 6e74 6572 0103 0354 6162 0103 0344 0000180 656c 0105 0553 7061 6365 0005 0300 0500 0000190 0404 5465 7874 0200 1212 4269 746d 6170 00001a0 2070 6c61 6365 686f 6c64 6572 1200 0000 00001b0 0000 0000 0000 54b2 1adc 0e2a 50e5 000f 00001c0 0800 0100 0000 01ab 0061 0200 0000 0202 00001d0 6162 0503 0000 0003 0361 6263 0504 0000 00001e0 0004 0461 6263 6405 0500 0000 0505 6162 00001f0 6364 6505 0600 0000 0606 6162 6364 6566 0000200 0507 0000 0007 0761 6263 6465 6667 0508 0000210 0000 0008 0861 6263 6465 6667 6816 002f 0000220 0068 009c 00be 00d6 00f5 0004 0107 0122 0000230 013e 0143 014c 015b 0165 018a 01ac 01be 0000240 011d 0200 0000243 andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1/tsrc andre$ build notes [andres-Computer:~/sos] andre% diff -ru rcomp-7.0.1/ ./diff/rcomp-7.0.1/ diff -ru rcomp-7.0.1/src/Makefile ./diff/rcomp-7.0.1/src/Makefile --- rcomp-7.0.1/src/Makefile Wed Dec 22 13:21:43 2004 +++ ./diff/rcomp-7.0.1/src/Makefile Sun Jan 16 14:53:18 2005 @@ -2,11 +2,7 @@ # Makefile # -# -# Modify this to suit your platform specific needs. -# -#GCC_VERSION=-2.95 -GCC_VERSION=2 # For Darwin use gcc 2.95.2 - gcc 3.1 is b0rken ! +GCC_VERSION=-2.95 CFLAGS+=-Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated CFLAGS+=-I../inc -Iderived LFLAGS= [andres-Computer:~/sos] andre% cd rcomp-7.0.1/ [andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1] andre% sudo make regtest Password: make all -sC src make regtest -sC tsrc Running through each test... Test 1 : Compare output with previous version TUTEXT (16-bit) Expect five problem messages about deprecated characters...(109) : Warning: Deprecated non-unicode value in source stream (110) : Warning: Deprecated non-unicode value in source stream (114) : Warning: Deprecated non-unicode value in source stream (122) : Warning: Deprecated non-unicode value in source stream (129) : Warning: Deprecated non-unicode value in source stream # # TEST FAILED: tutext0.rsc # TWTEXT (16-bit only)... # # TEST FAILED: twtext0.rsc # Check the contents of test1.lis for successful comparisons... A successful run yields a file of approximately 336 bytes in size. Test 2 : Demonstrate behaviour with source errors testing 'STUPID' (1) : *** Unknown character '#' (value 0x23) (1) : Syntax error RCOMP failed with code 1 testing 'ERROR_INVALID_MEMBER' (1) : *** Unknown character '#' (value 0x23) (1) : Syntax error RCOMP failed with code 1 testing 'MAIN_SYNTAX_ERROR_1' (1) : *** Unknown character '#' (value 0x23) (1) : Syntax error RCOMP failed with code 1 testing 'H_SYNTAX_ERROR_1' (1) : *** Unknown character '#' (value 0x23) (1) : Syntax error RCOMP failed with code 1 testing 'ERROR_MISSING_STRUCT' (1) : *** Unknown character '#' (value 0x23) (1) : Syntax error RCOMP failed with code 1 See the documentation in test.htm for an explanation of the error messages [andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1] andre% ==> using gcc 3.x -> seems to be broken [andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1] andre% make make all -sC src ld: Undefined symbols: ___builtin_delete ___builtin_vec_delete ___builtin_vec_new ___rtti_user ostream::operator<<(char const *) ___rtti_si ___throw terminate(void) ___builtin_new ostream::operator<<(ostream &(*)(ostream &)) ostream::operator<<(long) _cout endl(ostream &) ostream::operator<<(int) _cerr ___ls__7ostreamPFR3ios_RB2 ostream::operator<<(unsigned long) dec(ios &) hex(ios &) ___pure_virtual ofstream::~ofstream(void) ofstream::ofstream(int) fstreambase::close(void) ostream::flush(void) fstreambase::is_open(void) const ofstream::open(char const *, int, int) ostream::seekp(long long, ios::seek_dir) ostream::tellp(void) ostream::write(unsigned char const *, int) ___rtti_class make[1]: *** [rcomp] Error 1 make: *** [all] Error 2 [andres-Computer:~/sos/rcomp-7.0.1] andre% bmconv notes [andres-Computer:~/sos] andre% cd bmconv-1.1.0-2/ [andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2] andre% sudo make regtest Password: make all -sC src make clean -sC test make regtest -sC test BMCONV version 110. Compiling... Multiple bitmap store type: File store Epoc file: test1.mbm Bitmap file 1 : test1_48i.bmp Bitmap file 2 : test1_48m.bmp Bitmap file 3 : test1_32i.bmp Bitmap file 4 : test1_32m.bmp Bitmap file 5 : test1_24i.bmp Bitmap file 6 : test1_24m.bmp Bitmap file 7 : test1_16i.bmp Bitmap file 8 : test1_16m.bmp Success. BMCONV version 110. Compiling... Multiple bitmap store type: File store Epoc file: test1.mbm Bitmap file 1 : test1_48i.bmp Bitmap file 2 : test1_48m.bmp Bitmap file 3 : test1_32i.bmp Bitmap file 4 : test1_32m.bmp Bitmap file 5 : test1_24i.bmp Bitmap file 6 : test1_24m.bmp Bitmap file 7 : test1_16i.bmp Bitmap file 8 : test1_16m.bmp Success. BMCONV version 110. Decompiling... Epoc file: test1_ref.mbm Bitmap file 1 : decomp_gen_48i.bmp Bitmap file 2 : decomp_gen_48m.bmp Bitmap file 3 : decomp_gen_32i.bmp Bitmap file 4 : decomp_gen_32m.bmp Bitmap file 5 : decomp_gen_24i.bmp Bitmap file 6 : decomp_gen_24m.bmp Bitmap file 7 : decomp_gen_16i.bmp Bitmap file 8 : decomp_gen_16m.bmp Success. [andres-Computer:~/sos/bmconv-1.1.0-2] andre% makesis notes [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% ls -ls total 304 24 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 8859 16 Jan 14:07 h_endian.h 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 4175 16 Jan 14:07 instendian.h 0 drwxr-xr-x 14 andre staff 476 16 Jan 14:08 makesis-2.0.0 112 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 56528 16 Jan 14:07 makesis.diff 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 12489 16 Jan 14:05 makesis.diff.tgz 0 drwxr-xr-x 12 andre staff 408 16 Jan 14:18 petran-1.1.0 88 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 44980 16 Jan 14:07 petran.diff 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 13757 16 Jan 14:05 petran.diff.tgz [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% patch -p0 -R < makesis.diff patching file makesis-2.0.0/include/tchar.h patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/Makefile patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/crtsis.cpp patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/makesis.cpp patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/parsepkg.cpp patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/utils.h patching file makesis-2.0.0/src/wcstub.c [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% cp instendian.h makesis-2.0.0/include/. [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% cd makesis-2.0.0/ [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% make make all -C src g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c crtsis.cpp -o crtsis.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c makesis.cpp -o makesis.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c parsecmd.cpp -o parsecmd.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c parsepkg.cpp -o parsepkg.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c utf8.cpp -o utf8.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c utils.cpp -o utils.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c stub.cpp -o stub.o gcc -Wall -gstabs+ -I../include -c wcstub.c -o wcstub.o g++ crtsis.o makesis.o parsecmd.o parsepkg.o utf8.o utils.o stub.o wcstub.o -o makesis -lz [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% sudo make regtest Password: make all -sC src make regtest -sC test Processing test.pkg... Created test.sis Processing test2.pkg... Created test2.sis 383d24fd236b5f4416a4d881e6e8a2c4 test.sis f80ef0c48ee15c63535dbc4d7dd83750 test2.sis f80ef0c48ee15c63535dbc4d7dd83750 test2_n9210cpp.SIS f80ef0c48ee15c63535dbc4d7dd83750 test2_p800cpp.SIS f80ef0c48ee15c63535dbc4d7dd83750 test2_s60cpp.SIS 383d24fd236b5f4416a4d881e6e8a2c4 test_n9210cpp.SIS 383d24fd236b5f4416a4d881e6e8a2c4 test_p800cpp.SIS 383d24fd236b5f4416a4d881e6e8a2c4 test_s60cpp.SIS [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/makesis-2.0.0] andre% petran notes [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% ls -ls total 304 24 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 8859 16 Jan 14:07 h_endian.h 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 4175 16 Jan 14:07 instendian.h 0 drwxr-xr-x 14 andre staff 476 16 Jan 14:08 makesis-2.0.0 112 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 56528 16 Jan 14:07 makesis.diff 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 12489 16 Jan 14:05 makesis.diff.tgz 0 drwxr-xr-x 12 andre staff 408 16 Jan 14:18 petran-1.1.0 88 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 44980 16 Jan 14:07 petran.diff 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 andre staff 13757 16 Jan 14:05 petran.diff.tgz [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% patch -p0 < petran.diff patching file petran-1.1.0/Makefile patching file petran-1.1.0/e32uid/Makefile patching file petran-1.1.0/e32uid/e32uid.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/host/h_mem.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/host/h_utl.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/inc/h_utl.h patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_dump.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_file.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_img.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_imp.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_io.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_reloc.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/pefile/pe_tran.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/petran/Makefile patching file petran-1.1.0/petran/petran.cpp patching file petran-1.1.0/test/Makefile [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% cd petran-1.1.0/ [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% ls License.txt README e32uid inc petran Makefile debian host pefile test [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% cat Makefile # # Makefile # VERSION=1.0.0 PROJECT=petran all clean install uninstall: make $@ -C petran make $@ -C e32uid tarball: clean debclean cd .. && tar -czvf $(PROJECT)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PROJECT)-$(VERSION) --exclude .svn regtest: make all -C petran make regtest -C test [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% make make all -C petran g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c petran.cpp -o petran.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp -o ../e32uid/e32uid.o ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp:13:22: h_endian.h: No such file or directory ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp: In member function `UINT TCheckedUid::Check() const': ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp:237: error: `flipi' undeclared (first use this function) ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp:237: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) make[1]: *** [../e32uid/e32uid.o] Error 1 make: *** [all] Error 2 [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% cd inc/ [andres-Computer:diff/petran-1.1.0/inc] andre% ls e32def.h e32rom.h e32uid.h h_ver.h pe_file.h e32image.h e32std.h h_utl.h pe_defs.h [andres-Computer:diff/petran-1.1.0/inc] andre% cp ../../h_endian.h . [andres-Computer:diff/petran-1.1.0/inc] andre% cd .. [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% cd .. [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% make make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% cd petran tcsh: petran: No such file or directory. [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff] andre% cd petran-1.1.0/ [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% make make all -C petran g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../e32uid/e32uid.cpp -o ../e32uid/e32uid.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../host/h_utl.cpp -o ../host/h_utl.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../host/h_file.cpp -o ../host/h_file.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../host/h_mem.cpp -o ../host/h_mem.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_img.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_img.o ../pefile/pe_img.cpp: In member function `TUint E32ImageFile::CheckSumCode()': ../pefile/pe_img.cpp:130: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_img.cpp:132: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_img.cpp: In member function `TUint E32ImageFile::CheckSumData()': ../pefile/pe_img.cpp:147: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_img.cpp:149: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_imp.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_imp.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_dump.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_dump.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_utl.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_utl.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_io.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_io.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_tran.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_tran.o g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_reloc.o ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp: In function `TInt sizeOfCodeRelocs(TUint*, TUint*, int) ': ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp: In function `TInt sizeOfDataRelocs(TUint*, TUint*, int) ': ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:47: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp: In member function `char* E32ImageFile::CreateCodeRelocs(TUint*, TUint*, int, TInt&)': ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:112: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:112: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:112: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp: In member function `char* E32ImageFile::CreateDataRelocs(TUint*, TUint*, int, TInt&)': ../pefile/pe_reloc.cpp:172: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -Wno-deprecated -I../inc -c ../pefile/pe_file.cpp -o ../pefile/pe_file.o g++ petran.o ../e32uid/e32uid.o ../host/h_utl.o ../host/h_file.o ../host/h_mem.o ../pefile/pe_img.o ../pefile/pe_imp.o ../pefile/pe_dump.o ../pefile/pe_utl.o ../pefile/pe_io.o ../pefile/pe_tran.o ../pefile/pe_reloc.o ../pefile/pe_file.o -o petran make all -C e32uid g++ -Wall -gstabs+ -I../inc -c uidcrc.cpp -o uidcrc.o g++ e32uid.o uidcrc.o -o uidcrc [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% sudo make regtest Password: make all -C petran make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make regtest -C test rm -f esidplay.exe snus.exe esidplay.exe: run petran, remove timestamp and compare ../petran/petran esidplay.exe \ -nocall -uid1 0x1000007a -uid2 0x00000000 -uid3 0x00000000 1>/dev/null rm -f a b dd if=esidplay.exe of=a bs=16 count=2 2>/dev/null dd if=esidplay.exe of=b bs=16 skip=3 2>/dev/null cat a b > esidplay.exe.nots rm -f a b dd if=esidplay.exe.ref of=a bs=16 count=2 2>/dev/null dd if=esidplay.exe.ref of=b bs=16 skip=3 2>/dev/null cat a b > esidplay.exe.ref.nots rm -f a b diff esidplay.exe.nots esidplay.exe.ref.nots &>/dev/null rm -f esidplay.exe.nots esidplay.exe.ref.nots snus.exe: run petran, remove timestamp and compare ../petran/petran snus.exe \ -nocall -uid1 0x1000007a -uid2 0x00000000 -uid3 0x00000000 1>/dev/null rm -f a b dd if=snus.exe of=a bs=16 count=2 2>/dev/null dd if=snus.exe of=b bs=16 skip=3 2>/dev/null cat a b > snus.exe.nots rm -f a b dd if=snus.exe.ref of=a bs=16 count=2 2>/dev/null dd if=snus.exe.ref of=b bs=16 skip=3 2>/dev/null cat a b > snus.exe.ref.nots rm -f a b diff snus.exe.nots snus.exe.ref.nots &>/dev/null rm -f snus.exe.nots snus.exe.ref.nots all OK [andres-Computer:~/sos/diff/petran-1.1.0] andre% links Here you can download the tools from Symbian blueproxy - more bluetooth for mac osx darwine & qemu gnubox original howto linux and p800 installation on mac osx notes for installing gcc-3.0-psion-98r2-9-src on mac osx host gcc improvement project by uni of Szeged download page gcc-3.0-psion-98r2-9-src.tar.gz [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% tar -zxvf gcc-3.0-psion-98r2-9-src.tar.gz [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% mkdir _parallel [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% cd _parallel [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% ../src/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er7 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er7 --target=arm-epoc-pe [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% make [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/gcc-3.0] andre% sudo make install installation times processor 867MHz PowerPC G4 memory 640MB compiling gcc started 8:58 finished plus download time installing binaries notes on the patch needed checking for wctype in -lw... no configure: error: *** Gdb does not support host powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 Configure in /Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/_parallel/gdb failed, exiting. [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% ./src/gdb/ ase "${host}" in ... + powerpc-apple-darwin*) gdb_host=macos ;; gcc -g -O2 -I../../../../src/dejagnu/example/calc -I. -c ../../../../src/dejagnu/example/calc/calc.c gcc -g -O2 -o calc calc.o Making all in testsuite... make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'. gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../src/diff -g -O2 -DNULL_DEVICE=\"/dev/null\" ../../src/diff/cmp.c ../../src/diff/cmp.c: In function `main': ../../src/diff/cmp.c:211: error: `O_BINARY' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../src/diff/cmp.c:211: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once ../../src/diff/cmp.c:211: error: for each function it appears in.) ../../src/diff/cmp.c:211: warning: passing arg 1 of `setmode' makes pointer from integer without a cast ../../src/diff/cmp.c:211: error: too many arguments to function `setmode' make[1]: *** [cmp.o] Error 1 make: *** [all-diff] Error 2 [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% make ./diff/system.h #if HAVE_FCNTL_H #include + #ifdef HAVE_SETMODE + #undef HAVE_SETMODE + #endif + #ifndef _O_BINARY + #define _O_BINARY 0 + #endif + #ifndef O_BINARY + #define O_BINARY _O_BINARY + #endif #else #if HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #endif GDB problems 1) xm.h ./gdb/xm.h #define HOST_BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN #ifndef __unix #define __unix #endif created myself but lots of warning now rm -f libtix4.1.8.0.a ar cr libtix4.1.8.0.a tixClass.o tixCmds.o tixCompat.o tixError.o tixGeometry.o tixInit.o tixItcl.o tixList.o tixMethod.o tixOption.o tixScroll.o tixSmpLs.o tixUtils.o tixWidget.o tixDItem.o tixDiITxt.o tixDiImg.o tixDiStyle.o tixDiText.o tixDiWin.o tixForm.o tixFormMisc.o tixImgCmp.o tixImgXpm.o tixMwm.o tixGrid.o tixGrData.o tixGrFmt.o tixGrRC.o tixGrSel.o tixGrSort.o tixGrUtl.o tixHList.o tixHLCol.o tixHLInd.o tixHLHdr.o tixInputO.o tixNBFrame.o tixTList.o tixUnixDraw.o tixUnixXpm.o tixUnixWm.o ranlib libtix4.1.8.0.a gcc -c -g -O2 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_LIMITS_H=1 -DUCHAR_SUPPORTED=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_LIMITS_H=1 -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DTIME_WITH_SYS_TIME=1 -DHAVE_GETCWD=1 -DHAVE_OPENDIR=1 -DHAVE_STRSTR=1 -DHAVE_STRTOL=1 -DHAVE_TMPNAM=1 -DHAVE_WAITPID=1 -DNO_VALUES_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DUSE_TERMIOS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DTIME_WITH_SYS_TIME=1 -DHAVE_TM_ZONE=1 -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF=1 -DHAVE_ST_BLKSIZE=1 -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DNEED_MATHERR=1 -DHAVE_SIGNED_CHAR=1 -DHAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_FILIO_H=1 -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tcl/generic -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tcl/unix -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tk/generic -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tk/unix -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tix/generic -I/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/src/tix/unix -I/usr/X11R6/include ../../../../src/tix/unix/tk8.0/tixAppInit.c gcc tixAppInit.o -L/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/_parallel/tix/unix/tk8.0 -ltix4.1.8.0 -L/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/_parallel/tk/unix -ltk8.0 -L/Users/andre/sos/src/gcc-3.0/_parallel/tcl/unix -ltcl8.0 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 \ -o tixwish echo 'char *version = "4.17-psion-98r2";' >version.c echo 'char *host_name = "powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0";' >> version.c echo 'char *target_name = "arm-epoc-pe";' >> version.c gcc -c -g -O2 -I. -I../../src/gdb -I../../src/gdb/config -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../../src/gdb/../include/opcode -I../../src/gdb/../readline -I../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../include -I../intl -I../../src/gdb/../intl -DGDBTK version.c make[1]: *** No rule to make target `xm.h', needed by `blockframe.o'. Stop. make: *** [all-gdb] Error 2 [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% make gcc -c -g -O2 -I. -I../../src/gdb -I../../src/gdb/config -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../../src/gdb/../include/opcode -I../../src/gdb/../readline -I../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../include -I../intl -I../../src/gdb/../intl -DGDBTK ../../src/gdb/ax-gdb.c In file included from ../../src/gdb/ax-gdb.c:22: ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: use of `long double' type; its size may change in a future release ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: (Long double usage is reported only once for each file. ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: To disable this warning, use -Wno-long-double.) gcc -c -g -O2 -I. -I../../src/gdb -I../../src/gdb/config -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../../src/gdb/../include/opcode -I../../src/gdb/../readline -I../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../include -I../intl -I../../src/gdb/../intl -DGDBTK ../../src/gdb/remote-sim.c In file included from ../../src/gdb/remote-sim.c:22: ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: use of `long double' type; its size may change in a future release ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: (Long double usage is reported only once for each file. ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: To disable this warning, use -Wno-long-double.) gcc -c -g -O2 -I. -I../../src/gdb -I../../src/gdb/config -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../../src/gdb/../include/opcode -I../../src/gdb/../readline -I../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../bfd -I../../src/gdb/../include -I../intl -I../../src/gdb/../intl -DGDBTK ../../src/gdb/remote-rdi.c In file included from ../../src/gdb/remote-rdi.c:21: ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: use of `long double' type; its size may change in a future release ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: (Long double usage is reported only once for each file. ../../src/gdb/defs.h:954: warning: To disable this warning, use -Wno-long-double.) gcc -DPACKAGE=\"rdi-share\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_FCNTL_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_FILIO_H=1 -DTIME_WITH_SYS_TIME=1 -DRETSIGTYPE=void -DHAVE_VPRINTF=1 -DHAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY=1 -DHAVE_SELECT=1 -DHAVE_SOCKET=1 -DHAVE_STRTOD=1 -DHAVE_STRTOUL=1 -DHAVE_MEMCPY=1 -DHAVE_MEMMOVE=1 -I. -I../../../src/gdb/rdi-share -DRETRANS -DARM_RELEASE='"Berkeley Licence for Cygnus"' -g -O2 -c ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c In file included from ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c:34: ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h:22:23: winsock.h: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [ardi.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [rdi-share/libangsd.a] Error 2 make: *** [all-gdb] Error 2 2) hostchan.h [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% vim ../src/gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h + #ifndef __unix + #define __unix + #endif [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% make gcc -DPACKAGE=\"rdi-share\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_FCNTL_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_FILIO_H=1 -DTIME_WITH_SYS_TIME=1 -DRETSIGTYPE=void -DHAVE_VPRINTF=1 -DHAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY=1 -DHAVE_SELECT=1 -DHAVE_SOCKET=1 -DHAVE_STRTOD=1 -DHAVE_STRTOUL=1 -DHAVE_MEMCPY=1 -DHAVE_MEMMOVE=1 -I. -I../../../src/gdb/rdi-share -DRETRANS -DARM_RELEASE='"Berkeley Licence for Cygnus"' -g -O2 -c ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c: In function `Unix_MatchValidSerialDevice': ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:119: error: `SERPORT1' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:119: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:119: error: for each function it appears in.) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:138: error: `SERPORT2' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c: In function `Unix_IsValidParallelDevice': ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:375: error: `SERPORT1' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:376: error: `PARPORT1' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:398: error: `SERPORT2' undeclared (first use in this function) ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c:412: error: `PARPORT2' undeclared (first use in this function) make[2]: *** [unixcomm.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [rdi-share/libangsd.a] Error 2 make: *** [all-gdb] Error 2 [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% 3) ./gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% vim ../src/gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c // @todo ah - something to consider // #ifndef SERPORT1 -> be replaced with #ifdef MACOS // /dev/ttya -> macosx representation of /dev/xxx #ifndef SERPORT1 #define SERPORT1 "/dev/ttya" #define SERPORT2 "/dev/ttyb" #define PARPORT1 "/dev/bpp0" #define PARPORT2 "/dev/bpp1" #endif [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.0/_parallel] andre% make try to remove gdb from build script ... don't know yet :-) notes for installing gcc 3.4.3 on mac osx host download gcc from from release page quick install guide [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% tar -zxvf gcc-3.4.3.tar.gz [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% mkdir _parallel [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% cd _parallel [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% ../gcc-3.4.3/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --target=arm-epoc-pe [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% make installation times processor 867MHz PowerPC G4 memory 640MB compiling gcc started 8:08 finished 8:34 failed - see below - more installation logs plus download time installing binaries more installation logs [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% tar -zxvf gcc-3.4.3.tar.gz [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% mkdir _parallel [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3] andre% cd _parallel [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% ../gcc-3.4.3/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --target=arm-epoc-pe loading cache ./config.cache checking host system type... powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 checking target system type... arm-epoc-pe checking build system type... powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c *** This configuration is not supported in the following subdirectories: target-libffi target-boehm-gc target-zlib target-libjava (Any other directories should still work fine.) checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-ar... no checking for ar... ar checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-as... no checking for as... as checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-dlltool... no checking for dlltool... dlltool checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-ld... no checking for ld... ld checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-nm... no checking for nm... nm checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-ranlib... no checking for ranlib... ranlib checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-windres... no checking for windres... windres checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-objcopy... no checking for objcopy... objcopy checking for powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0-objdump... no checking for objdump... objdump checking for arm-epoc-pe-ar... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-as... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-dlltool... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-ld... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-nm... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-ranlib... no checking for arm-epoc-pe-windres... no checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no updating cache ./config.cache creating ./config.status creating Makefile [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% make [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% make make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'. : make ; exec true "AR_FLAGS=rc" "CC_FOR_BUILD=gcc" "CFLAGS=-g -O2" "CXXFLAGS=-g -O2" "CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=" "CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=-O2 -g -O2" "INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -c" "INSTALL_DATA=/usr/bin/install -c -m 644" "INSTALL_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/install -c" "INSTALL_SCRIPT=/usr/bin/install -c" "LDFLAGS=" "LIBCFLAGS=-g -O2" "LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=-O2 -g -O2" "MAKE=make" "MAKEINFO=makeinfo --split-size=5000000 " "PICFLAG=" "PICFLAG_FOR_TARGET=" "SHELL=/bin/sh" "EXPECT=expect" "RUNTEST=runtest" "RUNTESTFLAGS=" "exec_prefix=/usr/local/er6" "infodir=/usr/local/er6/info" "libdir=/usr/local/er6/lib" "prefix=/usr/local/er6" "tooldir=/usr/local/er6/arm-epoc-pe" "AR=ar" "AS=as" "CC=gcc" "CXX=c++" "LD=ld" "LIBCFLAGS=-g -O2" "NM=nm" "PICFLAG=" "RANLIB=ranlib" "DESTDIR=" DO=all multi-do make \ CFLAGS="-g -O2 -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -pedantic -Wno-long-long " \ CONFIG_H="config.h auto-host.h ../../gcc-3.4.3/gcc/../include/ansidecl.h" \ MAKEOVERRIDES= \ -f all for d in libgcc fpu libgcc/fpu thumb libgcc/thumb apcs32 libgcc/apcs32 thumb/apcs32 libgcc/thumb/apcs32 fpu/thumb libgcc/fpu/thumb fpu/apcs32 libgcc/fpu/apcs32 fpu/thumb/apcs32 libgcc/fpu/thumb/apcs32; do \ if [ -d $d ]; then true; else /bin/sh ../../gcc-3.4.3/gcc/mkinstalldirs $d; fi; \ done if [ -f stmp-dirs ]; then true; else touch stmp-dirs; fi rm -rf ./libgcc.a arm-epoc-pe-ar rc ./libgcc.a libgcc/./_udivsi3.o libgcc/./_divsi3.o libgcc/./_umodsi3.o libgcc/./_modsi3.o libgcc/./_dvmd_tls.o libgcc/./_call_via_rX.o libgcc/./_interwork_call_via_rX.o libgcc/./_muldi3.o libgcc/./_negdi2.o libgcc/./_lshrdi3.o libgcc/./_ashldi3.o libgcc/./_ashrdi3.o libgcc/./_cmpdi2.o libgcc/./_ucmpdi2.o libgcc/./_floatdidf.o libgcc/./_floatdisf.o libgcc/./_fixunsdfsi.o libgcc/./_fixunssfsi.o libgcc/./_fixunsdfdi.o libgcc/./_fixdfdi.o libgcc/./_fixunssfdi.o libgcc/./_fixsfdi.o libgcc/./_fixxfdi.o libgcc/./_fixunsxfdi.o libgcc/./_floatdixf.o libgcc/./_fixunsxfsi.o libgcc/./_fixtfdi.o libgcc/./_fixunstfdi.o libgcc/./_floatditf.o libgcc/./_clear_cache.o libgcc/./_enable_execute_stack.o libgcc/./_trampoline.o libgcc/./__main.o libgcc/./_absvsi2.o libgcc/./_absvdi2.o libgcc/./_addvsi3.o libgcc/./_addvdi3.o libgcc/./_subvsi3.o libgcc/./_subvdi3.o libgcc/./_mulvsi3.o libgcc/./_mulvdi3.o libgcc/./_negvsi2.o libgcc/./_negvdi2.o libgcc/./_ctors.o libgcc/./_ffssi2.o libgcc/./_ffsdi2.o libgcc/./_clz.o libgcc/./_clzsi2.o libgcc/./_clzdi2.o libgcc/./_ctzsi2.o libgcc/./_ctzdi2.o libgcc/./_popcount_tab.o libgcc/./_popcountsi2.o libgcc/./_popcountdi2.o libgcc/./_paritysi2.o libgcc/./_paritydi2.o libgcc/./_divdi3.o libgcc/./_moddi3.o libgcc/./_udivdi3.o libgcc/./_umoddi3.o libgcc/./_udiv_w_sdiv.o libgcc/./_udivmoddi4.o libgcc/./_pack_sf.o libgcc/./_unpack_sf.o libgcc/./_addsub_sf.o libgcc/./_mul_sf.o libgcc/./_div_sf.o libgcc/./_fpcmp_parts_sf.o libgcc/./_compare_sf.o libgcc/./_eq_sf.o libgcc/./_ne_sf.o libgcc/./_gt_sf.o libgcc/./_ge_sf.o libgcc/./_lt_sf.o libgcc/./_le_sf.o libgcc/./_unord_sf.o libgcc/./_si_to_sf.o libgcc/./_sf_to_si.o libgcc/./_negate_sf.o libgcc/./_make_sf.o libgcc/./_sf_to_df.o libgcc/./_sf_to_tf.o libgcc/./_thenan_sf.o libgcc/./_sf_to_usi.o libgcc/./_usi_to_sf.o libgcc/./_pack_df.o libgcc/./_unpack_df.o libgcc/./_addsub_df.o libgcc/./_mul_df.o libgcc/./_div_df.o libgcc/./_fpcmp_parts_df.o libgcc/./_compare_df.o libgcc/./_eq_df.o libgcc/./_ne_df.o libgcc/./_gt_df.o libgcc/./_ge_df.o libgcc/./_lt_df.o libgcc/./_le_df.o libgcc/./_unord_df.o libgcc/./_si_to_df.o libgcc/./_df_to_si.o libgcc/./_negate_df.o libgcc/./_make_df.o libgcc/./_df_to_sf.o libgcc/./_df_to_tf.o libgcc/./_thenan_df.o libgcc/./_df_to_usi.o libgcc/./_usi_to_df.o libgcc/./unwind-dw2.o libgcc/./unwind-dw2-fde.o libgcc/./unwind-sjlj.o libgcc/./gthr-gnat.o libgcc/./unwind-c.o libgcc/./_eprintf.o libgcc/./__gcc_bcmp.o make[2]: arm-epoc-pe-ar: Command not found make[2]: *** [libgcc.a] Error 127 make[1]: *** [stmp-multilib] Error 2 make: *** [all-gcc] Error 2 [andres-Computer:src/gcc-3.4.3/_parallel] andre% ls notes for patching gcc 539 to big endian on mac osx host original gnupoc_ppc.txt from Alfred E. Heggestad: source for gcc cross compiler 539 diff539 patch [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% ../src/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --target=arm-epoc-pe Config.guess failed to determine the host type. You need to specify one. $ uname -m $ uname -s ./config.guess + Power*Macintosh:Darwin:*:*) + echo powerpc-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE} + exit 0 ;; powerpc:machten:*:*) echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE} exit 0 ;; [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% /bin/sh ../src/config.sub powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 Invalid configuration `powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0': system `darwin7.5.0' not recognized ./config.sub + -darwin*) + ;; -mac*) os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'` ;; [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% /bin/sh ../src/config.sub powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 ./gcc/configure| romp-*-mach*) xmake_file=romp/x-mach use_collect2=yes ;; + powerpc-apple-darwin*) + xmake_file=rs6000/x-darwin + ;; powerpc-*-beos*) cpu_type=rs6000 tm_file=rs6000/beos.h xm_file=rs6000/xm-beos.h tmake_file=rs6000/t-beos xmake_file=rs6000/x-beos ;; [andres-Computer:src/src/gdb] andre% ./configure --target=arm-epoc-pe checking for wctype in -lw... no configure: error: *** Gdb does not support host powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 ./gdb/ case "${host}" in + powerpc-apple-darwin*) gdb_host=macos ;; [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% ../src/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --target=arm-epoc-pe ... configuring in rdi-share running /bin/sh ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/configure --host=powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 --target=arm-epoc-pe --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --cache-file=../../config.cache --srcdir=../../../src/gdb/rdi-share loading cache ../../config.cache checking for a BSD compatible install... (cached) /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... (cached) yes configure: error: source directory already configured; run make distclean there first configure: error: ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/configure failed for rdi-share Configure in /Users/andre/sos/src/_parallel/gdb failed, exiting. [andres-Computer:_parallel/gdb/rdi-share] andre% /bin/sh ../../../src/gdb/rdi-share/configure --host=powerpc-apple-darwin7.5.0 --target=arm-epoc-pe --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --cache-file=../../config.cache --srcdir=../../../src/gdb/rdi-share ./gdb/rdi-share/configure + rm -f $srcdir/config.status if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`" && test -f $srcdir/config.status; then { echo "configure: dir: [$srcdir] pwd: [`pwd`] error: source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first" 1>&2; exit 1; } fi [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% ../src/configure --prefix=/usr/local/er6 --exec-prefix=/usr/local/er6 --target=arm-epoc-pe ./_parallel/Makefile AR_FLAGS = rc - CC = gcc + CC = gcc2 [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% make ... some problems in binutils cd binutils [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel/binutils] andre% make cd .. [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% make ./diff/system.h #if HAVE_FCNTL_H #include + #ifdef HAVE_SETMODE + #undef HAVE_SETMODE + #endif + #ifndef _O_BINARY + #define _O_BINARY 0 + #endif + #ifndef O_BINARY + #define O_BINARY _O_BINARY + #endif #else #if HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #endif // here is the problem // O_BINARY wasn't defined ??!! // But if defined then setmode function has only one arg ??!! ./diff/cmp.c #if HAVE_SETMODE setmode (file_desc[i1], O_BINARY); #endif GDB problems 1) xm.h ./gdb/xm.h #define HOST_BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN #ifndef __unix #define __unix #endif created myself, but get lots of warnings now. ./gdb/rdi-share/hostchan.h /* struct timeval */ + #ifndef __unix + #define __unix + #endif #if defined(__unix) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) 2) ./gdb/remote_rdp.c send_rdp ... ... - va_end (args); + va_end (alist); 3) ./gdb/rdi-share/unixcomm.c // @todo ah - something to consider // #ifndef SERPORT1 -> be replaced with #ifdef MACOS // /dev/ttya -> macosx representation of /dev/xxx #ifndef SERPORT1 #define SERPORT1 "/dev/ttya" #define SERPORT2 "/dev/ttyb" #define PARPORT1 "/dev/bpp0" #define PARPORT2 "/dev/bpp1" #endif Problems with make in libstdc++ !!! [andres-Computer:_parallel] andre% make .. ../../../src/libstdc++/ In function `void __out_of_range(const char *)': ../../../src/libstdc++/ exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable [andres-Computer:_parallel] andre% cd arm-epoc-pe/newlib [andres-Computer:_parallel/arm-epoc-pe/newlib] andre% /Users/andre/sos/src/_parallel/gcc/xgcc -B/Users/andre/sos/src/_parallel/gcc/ -idirafter /Users/andre/sos/src/_parallel/arm-epoc-pe/newlib/targ-include -idirafter /Users/andre/sos/src/src/newlib/libc/include -nostdinc -c -g -O2 -fno-implicit-templates -I../../../src/libstdc++ -I../../../src/libstdc++/stl -I../libio -I../../../src/libstdc++/../libio -nostdinc++ ../../../src/libstdc++/ ../../../src/libstdc++/ In function `void __out_of_range(const char *)': ../../../src/libstdc++/ exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable ./src/libstdc++/ void __out_of_range (const char *s) { + // throw out_of_range (s); _ throw out_of_range (s); } void __length_error (const char *s) { + //throw length_error (s); _ throw length_error (s); } [andres-Computer:_parallel/arm-epoc-pe/newlib] andre% cd ../../ [andres-Computer:_parallel] andre% make OK [andres-Computer:_parallel] andre% sudo make install o some problems with diff tools got to check later notes higher up might be caused due to building diff from src tree instead from _parallel tree !!! Making install in example... make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install'. Making install in testsuite... make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install'. /bin/sh ../../src/diff/mkinstalldirs /usr/local/er6/bin /usr/local/er6/info for p in cmp diff diff3 sdiff; do \ /bin/sh /Users/andre/sos/src/src/install-sh -c $p /usr/local/er6/bin/`echo $p | sed 's,x,x,'`; \ done install: cmp does not exist install: diff does not exist install: diff3 does not exist install: sdiff does not exist make[1]: *** [install] Error 1 make: *** [install-diff] Error 2 [andres-Computer:~/sos/src/_parallel] andre% sudo make install [andres-Computer:src/src/diff] andre% bash andres-Computer:~/sos/src/src/diff andre$ for p in cmp diff diff3 sdiff ; do /bin/sh /Users/andre/sos/src/src/install-sh -c $p /usr/local/er6/bin/`echo $p | sed 's,x,x,'` ; done cp: /usr/local/er6/bin/#inst.3764#: Permission denied cp: /usr/local/er6/bin/#inst.3773#: Permission denied cp: /usr/local/er6/bin/#inst.3782#: Permission denied cp: /usr/local/er6/bin/#inst.3791#: Permission denied andres-Computer:~/sos/src/src/diff andre$ cp cmp ../../_parallel/diff/. andres-Computer:~/sos/src/src/diff andre$ cp diff ../../_parallel/diff/. andres-Computer:~/sos/src/src/diff andre$ cp diff3 ../../_parallel/diff/. andres-Computer:~/sos/src/src/diff andre$ cp sdiff ../../_parallel/diff/. [andres-Computer:_parallel] andre% sudo make install ./arm-epoc-pe-gcc -nostdinc -c -g -O2 -fno-implicit-templates -I../../../src/libstdc++ ../../../src/libstdc++/ -o pic/ldcomio.o; ./arm-epoc-pe-gcc -I/User/andre/sos/petran petran.c -o petran.o [andres-Computer:local/er6/bin] andre% sudo ./arm-epoc-pe-gcc -Wall -gstabs+ -I/Users/andre/sos/petran-1.1.0/inc -c /Users/andre/sos/petran-1.1.0/e32uid/uidcrc.cpp -o uidcrc.o [andres-Computer:local/er6/bin] andre% ./arm-epoc-pe-objdump --disassemble-all uidcrc.o [andres-Computer:local/er6/bin] andre% ./arm-epoc-pe-objdump -h uidcrc.o